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Netherhall Creative and Media Studio School

Huddersfield, UK

A Revolutionary Educational Concept

The Studio School is an international concept intended to provide vocational education for 14 to 19 year olds. Businesses work closely with the school to provide practical training in addition to academic learning. Each Studio School specialises in an individual sphere and is hence unique. Kirklees Council wished to build upon its reputation in locally nuturing creative and graphic arts industries by providing young people with the opportunity to learn relevant skills through this innovative concept. The Netherhall Studio School is situated within an existing through learning campus, and is the first purpose built Studio School facility in the UK (completed in October 2013).

Stephen George & Partners worked closely over an extended initial research period with the client and the end users to arrive at a design to suit a function for which there has been no precedent. Classrooms have been replaced by flexible learning spaces, multi-function performance areas and student commerce units, which will provide a wholly new and fulfilling educational experience.

The building itself has been designed in accordance with sustainable principles and was constructed largely from innovative recycled materials. The school is naturally ventilated and cooled in addition to being equipped with a low energy heating system.

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